Produse pentru tratamente pentru migrenă (30)

Tratament multicorectiv - TRATAMENTE PENTRU OCHI

Tratament multicorectiv - TRATAMENTE PENTRU OCHI

Smoothing effect – reduces the appearance of dehydration lines/wrinkles from the first application.* Visibly attenuated under eye pockets** Dark circles less visible** *Instrumental test performed 2 hours after application. **Clinical evaluation performed on 21 women after 28 days of bidaily use
Masca de păr centrifugată

Masca de păr centrifugată

La Maschera Capelli Centrifugato è un trattamento ristrutturante a pH acido, ideale per capelli trattati, deboli e danneggiati. Arricchita con Liquepom®, un principio brevettato da pomodoro bio toscano, questa maschera offre proprietà antiossidanti e protettive anti-pollution. L'oleolito di carota bio toscana, combinato con Liquepom®, apporta un mix di vitamine vegetali che nutrono e rivitalizzano i capelli senza appesantirli, lasciandoli corposi, morbidi e piacevolmente profumati. Le fresche note verdi-fruttate della profumazione, conforme al disciplinare AIAB, aggiungono un tocco di freschezza al trattamento. Questa maschera è dedicata a chi ha capelli sfibrati, trattati, deboli e danneggiati, offrendo un trattamento mirato restitutivo e rinforzante. È ideale anche come trattamento di mantenimento per preservare il capello sano e lucido, da alternare agli abituali prodotti. Consigliata come impacco pre-shampoo sui capelli umidi o come trattamento sulle lunghezze dei capelli lavati, la Maschera Capelli Centrifugato si integra perfettamente nella routine di cura dei capelli, offrendo risultati visibili e duraturi.
Capsule de Aronia Bio

Capsule de Aronia Bio

Lohnherstellung von Bio Aronia Kapseln (vegane HPMC Kapseln)
Suplimente alimentare pulbere

Suplimente alimentare pulbere

Gli integratori alimentari in polvere offrono un approccio flessibile e personalizzabile per migliorare l'assunzione nutrizionale. Disponibili in bustine singole, bustine doppie, stick pack e barattoli, queste polveri soddisfano una varietà di esigenze e preferenze di salute. Sono ideali per le persone che amano creare miscele personalizzate o preferiscono mescolare i loro integratori con cibi o bevande. Che tu stia cercando di supportare il recupero muscolare, migliorare la digestione o aumentare la vitalità complessiva, questi integratori in polvere offrono una soluzione versatile. L'adattabilità degli integratori alimentari in polvere li rende un favorito tra gli appassionati di fitness e le persone attente alla salute. Possono essere facilmente integrati in frullati, shake o pasti, permettendoti di personalizzare l'assunzione in base ai tuoi obiettivi specifici. Con un impegno per la qualità e l'efficacia, queste polveri sono formulate per fornire risultati ottimali, assicurandoti di ricevere i nutrienti di cui hai bisogno per prosperare. Incorporando questi integratori nella tua routine, stai facendo un passo proattivo verso il raggiungimento di uno stile di vita equilibrato e sano.
Masca de Păr cu Macadamia - Măști pentru Păr

Masca de Păr cu Macadamia - Măști pentru Păr

Gracias al aceite de macadamia natural de su contenido, es un producto eficaz para el cuidado del cabello que hidrata y nutre profundamente el cabello, ayudando a que el cabello se vuelva más brillante, suave y fácil de peinar. SKU:31181
Suplimente Alimentare pentru Menopauză - Supliment Alimentar - 120 Capsule

Suplimente Alimentare pentru Menopauză - Supliment Alimentar - 120 Capsule

Découvrez notre complément alimentaire Ménopause, formulé naturellement à partir de plante et de phyto-œstrogène. Les phyto-œstrogènes tels que les isoflavones de soja sont des composés chimiques actifs naturels provenant des plantes qui agissent dans l’organisme un peu à la manière des hormones naturelles féminines, les œstrogènes. Le soja est la source la plus importante de phyto-œstrogènes. Il est associé à du fenouil, de l’Escholtzia, du thé vert et à de la sauge. La sauge quant à elle contribue au confort pendant la ménopause et aide à diminuer les sueurs nocturnes, l’un des principaux symptômes de la ménopause. Sphère d'action : Santé féminine - Ménopause Formule synergique Cure complète de 1 mois : jusqu'à 6 gélules par jour. Précautions d'emploi : Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants. Ne pas dépasser la dose conseillée. Ne pas prendre en dehors des repas. Déconseillé aux enfants, adolescents, femmes enceintes ou allaitantes.
Ulei Moroccan

Ulei Moroccan

Moroccan Oil is a brand of hair care products that are infused with argan oil, a natural oil derived from the kernels of the argan tree native to Morocco. The brand offers a wide range of hair care products including shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, styling creams, and oils. Moroccan Oil products are known for their ability to nourish and hydrate the hair, leaving it smooth, shiny, and manageable. The argan oil in these products is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fatty acids that help to strengthen the hair, reduce frizz, and protect it from damage caused by heat styling and environmental factors. Moroccan Oil has gained popularity among consumers and professionals alike for its high-quality formulas and noticeable results.
Masca de Salvare pentru Păr - Reparare Adâncă și Hidratantă pentru Păr Sever Deteriorat, Întărește, Restaurează Strălucirea, Netedește și Îndulcește

Masca de Salvare pentru Păr - Reparare Adâncă și Hidratantă pentru Păr Sever Deteriorat, Întărește, Restaurează Strălucirea, Netedește și Îndulcește

Repairs Damage: Restores and strengthens damaged hair, improving its overall health. Deep Hydration: Provides intense moisture to dry, brittle hair. Softens Hair: Smooths hair for easier manageability and a softer feel. Adds Shine: Enhances hair's natural shine, giving it a healthy, glossy finish. Improves Texture: Boosts hair texture, making it smoother and more vibrant
Linia de Reconstrucție a Părului - Program de reconstrucție structurală a părului pe bază de keratină și extracte

Linia de Reconstrucție a Părului - Program de reconstrucție structurală a părului pe bază de keratină și extracte

Programma di ricostruzione strutturale del capello a base di cheratina ed estratto di noce. La cheratina è il componente principale del capello, la fondamentale proteina strutturale, mentre l’estratto di noce ancora verede è ricco di polifenoli e un reitcolo sulle proteine dei capelli, agendo in sinergia con la cheratina naturale. La linea si compone di: Shampoo (fase 1) formulato per detergere delicatamente i capelli deboli; Maschera (fase 2) che ripara la fibra del capello danneggiato e lo rende elastico; Fluido (fase 3) senza risciacquo, che si lega subito al capello per ringiovanirlo e restituirgli la sua vera bellezza; Capsule Vitaminiche (fase 4) a effetto condizionante istantaneo, che agiscono sulla superficie del capello per fissare gli ingredienti nutritivi delle fasi precedenti, per prevenire le doppie punte e proteggere dalle aggressioni esterne. Ricche di vitamine A, B1, B2, B5 (Pantenolo), C, E, F, H e PP (Niacina). Il video:
Ser Facial Intensiv Natural

Ser Facial Intensiv Natural

Special intensive serum, with strong plumping and relaxing properties. With blueberry, liquorice and cypress extracts, which stimulate and protect collagen production from the effects of oxidising agents, while promoting a toning and protective effect on the blood capillaries. Light and airy, it is not greasy and immediately penetrates deeply, leaving the skin soft and pleasantly moisturised. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, purified and biodynamized water, functional active ingredients, hypoallergenic fragrance, VegetalOK. SKU:KB0304 Size:15 ml / 0.51 Oz
Serum Întineritor

Serum Întineritor

Notre sérum, à base d'actifs concentrés d'origine végétale, a prouvé son efficacité dans le traitement des articulations, des coudes et des genoux. Résultat : Teint uniforme et harmonieux. Utilisation : pour un résultat optimal nous vous conseillons de l'utiliser en association avec un lait hydratant pour allier hydratation et soin. Capacité = 50 ml UGS:SE Poids:0,16 kg Quantité:50 ml Poids:0,1
Tratament Facial Anti-pete

Tratament Facial Anti-pete

Nettoyage de peau 2-Gommage 3-Masque anti-tâches hydrojelly 4-Sérum 5-Crème 6-20 mn LED
Magneziu Marin și Vitamina B6

Magneziu Marin și Vitamina B6

Notre formule unique contient de la vitamine B6, qui contribue au fonctionnement normal du système nerveux Réduit la fatigue et aide à améliorer la concentration. Nos gélules sont 100% végétales, faciles à avaler, elles sont adaptées aux végétariens et aux végans Produit de qualité supérieure, Notre formule élaborée en laboratoire français. Ingrédients (pour 1 gélule) Oxyde de magnésium Marin : 500mg (Dont magnésium 275mg, VNR*: 73%), Agent de charge : Gomme arabique bio, fibre de pomme bio, Agent d'enrobage : Hypromellose, Pyridoxine HCI (Vitamine B6 : 1,4mg, VNR*: 100%)
Vitamine B + Magneziu - Vitamine B + Magneziu, PALIANYTSIA, 550 mg, 30 capsule

Vitamine B + Magneziu - Vitamine B + Magneziu, PALIANYTSIA, 550 mg, 30 capsule

A complex of B vitamins with magnesium is a dietary supplement for nourishing the body with useful vitamin and mineral components, in particular, ensuring brain function, supporting the cardiovascular system, and the gastrointestinal tract. The complex is useful for the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, the conduction of nerve impulses and increasing the body's resistance to various stresses and infections, seasonal diseases.
Magneziu - Citratul de Magneziu - Disponibil sub formă de Capsule, Pulbere sau Ulei

Magneziu - Citratul de Magneziu - Disponibil sub formă de Capsule, Pulbere sau Ulei

Magnesium - Hochdosiert & Rein | Magnesiumpräparate - Natürliche Magnesiumverbindungen, für eine besonders gute Aufnahme im Körper. - Zur Unterstützung des Energiestoffwechsels, der Muskel- und Nervenfunktion. - Analysierter und geprüfter Rohstoff in Markenqualität. - Reinsubstanzen - ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe. - Als Kapseln, Pulver oder Magnesiumöl.
Exfoliant Tricologic pentru Scalp Programul Meddis pentru Pierderea Părului - Exfoliant Tricologic pentru Scalp

Exfoliant Tricologic pentru Scalp Programul Meddis pentru Pierderea Părului - Exfoliant Tricologic pentru Scalp

The scrub effectively removes keratinized cells, dust particles, residue of styling products and excess sebum from the surface of the epidermis, which disrupt the sebaceous glands and clog pores. Enhances microcirculation in the scalp and activates metabolic processes, improves the penetration of nutrients and vitamins into the hair follicles, which accelerates hair growth and prevents hair loss. It promotes scalp skin renewal, improves cellular respiration, eliminates unpleasant itching, irritation and peeling. Salicylic acid has an exfoliating and sebum-regulating effect. It deeply cleanses the skin from sebum accumulation, exfoliates keratinized cells, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. Kaolin deeply cleanses the skin of the scalp, promotes the absorption of excess sebaceous gland secretion, reduces sebum production. Bamboo microgranules promote active exfoliation and effective removal of dead cells from the skin surface.
Ulei Moroccan

Ulei Moroccan

Moroccan Oil ist eine Marke für Haarpflegeprodukte, die mit Arganöl angereichert sind, einem natürlichen Öl, das aus den Kernen des in Marokko beheimateten Arganbaums gewonnen wird. Die Marke bietet eine breite Palette an Haarpflegeprodukten an, darunter Shampoos, Spülungen, Haarmasken, Stylingcremes und Öle. Marokkanische Ölprodukte sind für ihre Fähigkeit bekannt, das Haar zu nähren und mit Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen und es glatt, glänzend und kämmbar zu machen. Das Arganöl in diesen Produkten ist reich an Antioxidantien, Vitaminen und Fettsäuren, die dabei helfen, das Haar zu stärken, Frizz zu reduzieren und es vor Schäden durch Hitzestyling und Umwelteinflüsse zu schützen. Marokkanisches Öl erfreut sich aufgrund seiner hochwertigen Formeln und spürbaren Ergebnisse bei Verbrauchern und Fachleuten gleichermaßen großer Beliebtheit.
Serum pentru păr

Serum pentru păr

Un sérum enrichi d’huile d’argan, huile d’avocat et la vitamine E pour restructurer et régénérer les cheveux secs, fourchus, ternes ou colorés. Ils retrouvent ainsi souplesse, douceur et brillance. Ingredients Actifs:Huile d’argan Réf:CH40006
Ulei Regenerant pentru Față

Ulei Regenerant pentru Față

Rich face oil, which nourishes intensively, maintains the healthy appearance, elasticity and freshness of dry and mature skin. Favors cell renewal and has a smoothing effect. Visibly reduces wrinkles, lifts the contour, gives density and volume.
Remedii Homeopatice Individuale cu Indicații

Remedii Homeopatice Individuale cu Indicații

Das vorliegende Werk ist bestrebt, möglichst viele Symptome abzudecken, erhebt aber keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Seit über 37 Jahren ist die Autorin in eigener Praxis tätig. Das Büchlein mit den Indikationen der Homöopathie, das ihr in diesen Jahren sehr gute Dienste geleistet hat, wird nicht mehr aufgelegt und ist im Laufe der Zeit so zerfleddert, dass es unbenutzbar geworden ist. Das hat sie dazu animiert, ein neues Verzeichnis zu schreiben, das auch viele Mittel aus ihrer eigenen Erfahrung und Erprobung berücksichtigt. Das vorliegende Werk ist bestrebt, möglichst viele Symptome abzudecken, erhebt aber keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Es ist unter anderem eine Zusammenfassung bzw. Überarbeitung bereits zur Verfügung stehender einschlägiger Literatur. • Wire-O-Bindung • 17 x 24 cm • 313 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-931954-34-5
serum apicol

serum apicol

In der Kosmetikserie von apiserun finden Sie die unvergleichliche Kombination von Gelee Royale und ausgesuchten natürlichen Pflanzenextrakten. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE ist ein erfrischendes Tonic für die reifere und regenerationsbedürftige Haut mit Straffungseffekt. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE morgens und abends nach der Reinigung auf Gesicht und Hals auftragen. Wirkstoffe: • Gelée Royal • Karottenextrakt • Rosenöl • Geraniumöl
Magnesium Phytholistic - Pulbere de Magneziu Bio

Magnesium Phytholistic - Pulbere de Magneziu Bio

Unser Bio Magnesium Pulver stammt aus Meeresalgen. Diese werden in Frankreich in Küstennähe angebaut, von unseren Vertragsbauern handgepflückt, ausgiebig luftgetrocknet und anschließend afür einen magnesiumreichen Extrakt extrahiert. Als Extraktionsmittel dient Wasser, genauer gesagt Meerwasser, in dem die Algen gezüchtet werden. Das Produkt eignet sich ideal für Vegetarier und Veganer. Die wichtigsten Eckpunkte in Kürze: Eigenschaften: auf 25% natürliches Magnesium standardisiert, <200ppm Jod Botanischer Name: ulva lactuca Haltbarkeit: 24 Monate Herkunft: Frankreich Extraktionsmittel: Meerwasser Empfohlene Darreichungsform: Kapseln, Tabletten, Pulvermischung
Masca Hidratantă cu Macadamia pentru Păr

Masca Hidratantă cu Macadamia pentru Păr

Macadamia mask is a deeply moisturizing hair mask based on macadamia nut and nourishing oils. The mask intensively moisturizes and transforms the hair, restores and facilitates care and combing. Macadamia oil saturates hair with moisture and beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 acids. The hair is smoother, stronger and more manageable. Argan oil is one of their most precious and nutritious. It takes care of the hair, smoothes and gives shine.
Serul de Reparare Nocturn Maruderm 30 ML - Seruri pentru Față

Serul de Reparare Nocturn Maruderm 30 ML - Seruri pentru Față

Enrichi en extraits de plantes, peptides et acides hyaluroniques, il favorise la régénération de la peau. Il aide la peau à paraître lisse, lumineuse et souple. Utilisation/Avertissements : Appliquer sur votre peau propre en massant tous les soirs. Pour usage externe. Ne pas utiliser sur une peau irritée. Eviter le contact direct avec les yeux, en cas de contact rincer abondamment à l'eau. Tenir hors de portée des enfants.
SERUM INHIBITOR DE PĂR LULIANA - Scade Cantitatea - Cantitate serum inhibitor de păr Luliana 1 Crește Cantitatea + ADĂUGA LA

SERUM INHIBITOR DE PĂR LULIANA - Scade Cantitatea - Cantitate serum inhibitor de păr Luliana 1 Crește Cantitatea + ADĂUGA LA

BENEFITS of Luliana Serum : ✔ It’s made of 100% natural ingredients that do not contain any chemicals. ✔ It is used after hair removal, not for hair removal. ✔ Used after removal to weaken the follicle and gradually end the growth and disappear. ✔ It is a means that prevents the appearance of hair. ✔ It does not cause any kind of allergy as it is a natural product and is used for all areas of the body. ✔ Safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. ✔ Safe for the face and the whole body, even sensitive areas, without any side effects. ✔ Can be used for the whole body and face without any side effect at all!
Ulei de Masaj Astra-derm - Uleiuri de Masaj

Ulei de Masaj Astra-derm - Uleiuri de Masaj

Pour améliorer l’aspect de la peau et soulager l’inconfort en cas d’eczéma, au niveau du visage et du corps. Composition HE immortelle MS calendula HV calophylle Quelques gouttes en massage sur les zones concernées, 1 à 3 fois par jour jusqu’à amélioration. Ne convient pas aux femmes enceintes ou allaitantes sauf sur avis médical. Ne convient aux enfants de moins de 10 ans. Pour les enfants, il convient d’adapter le dosage des huiles essentielles en fonction de l’âge. Réf:hm20b der
Ghidul Simptomelor pentru Materia Medicală Homeopatică - Homeopatie - Librărie

Ghidul Simptomelor pentru Materia Medicală Homeopatică - Homeopatie - Librărie

Auteurs : Constantin Hering Date de parution : années 2000 Editeur : Roger Jollois Nombre de pages : ~600 (par tome) Traduit de l’américain par Edouard Broussalian et Roselyne Della Faille, ce volume décrit les symptômes de 38 remèdes depuis l’Arnica Montana jusqu’au Bromium.
Kenogen - TRATAMENT INTENSIV Regenerare, Îngroșare, Îndelungare

Kenogen - TRATAMENT INTENSIV Regenerare, Îngroșare, Îndelungare

From the fourty-year trichological experience of Vivipharma research comes a specifi cally targeted solution for the need to regrow hair: the KENOGEN® treatment with 500 mg melatonin, in versions for both men and women. Since the remarkable qualities of the Keno-Complex promote the natural regrowth and thickening of the hair, and facilitate its lengthening, the KENOGEN® treatment with 500 mg melatonin is a valuable daily program that restores energy, health and beauty to your hair. The Keno-Complex is a potent hair follicle activator that acts synergistically on the principal factors that promote hair growth: - inhibition of 5 a-reductase - increased subcutaneous microcirculation - dermal regeneration through activation of cell metabolism - synchronization of the biological clock.
Masca Normalizatoare - MĂȘTI PENTRU FAȚĂ

Masca Normalizatoare - MĂȘTI PENTRU FAȚĂ

This very gentle cream-mask helps restore the comfort and radiance of fragile and sensitive skin thanks to a cocktail of soothing, moisturizing and repairing active ingredients.
Masca de păr cu macadamia - Măști pentru păr

Masca de păr cu macadamia - Măști pentru păr

Dank des darin enthaltenen natürlichen Macadamiaöls handelt es sich um ein wirksames Haarpflegeprodukt, das das Haar intensiv mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und nährt und dabei hilft, das Haar strahlender, weicher und leichter kämmbar zu machen. Artikelnummer:31181